Step 1: Setting up the script
There are two ways we can write this script.
-- As as executable. [Optional]
-- As a script to import into the interpreter so that we can update it as we go along. [Recommended, but also optional]
The first way is as such:
def function():
def function():
The second way:
def function():
And then simply execute it in the shell like so:
[~]> python3
Or Import it into the Python3 interpreter like so:
[~]> python3
>>>> import script
Now, onto the actual coding..
>>>> import script
#-- Say Game Title --#
print("\nWelcome to \"Dineros\"\n")
#-- Defining Global Variables --#
x_pos = 0
y_pos = 0
#-- Event Functions --#
#-- Shitty Functions that don't really work --#
#def wall():
# global x_pos, y_pos
# if x_pos >= 10 and y_pos >= 10:
# print("You hit a wall.")
# x_pos = 10 and y_pos = 10
# if x_pos <= -10 and y_pos <= -10:
# print("You hit a wall.")
# x_pos = -10 and y_pos = -10
#-- Main Game Function --#
# Define the function "move"
def move():
# Refer to the variables we made earlier, not ones made locally.
global x_pos, y_pos
# Create an array of words that will be later used.
where = ("\nWhere would you like to go?",
"\nYou can go\n(N)orth, (S)outh, \n(E)ast, or (W)est.\n",
"Or you can find out (wh)ere you are.\n")
# Print objects from that array in the order as we need it to. We'll improve this later.
# Create a prompt by which people know they are to type.
dir = input('> ')
# If you put in capital or lower case n
if dir == "N" or dir == "n":
# Then the global y_pos will have 1 added to it.
y_pos += y_pos + 1
elif dir == "S" or dir == "s":
y_pos += y_pos - 1
elif dir == "E" or dir == "E":
x_pos += x_pos + 1
elif dir == "W" or dir == "W":
x_pos += x_pos - 1
elif dir == "wh" or dir == "WH" or dir == "Wh" or dir == "wH":
print("You are at %d x, and %d y,\n" % (x_pos, y_pos))
#If you didn't type any of the things above, then it will ask you to choose a direction.
print("\nChoose a Direction.")
#-- Conclusion Var. --#
# The variable that defines how it all ends.
ending = 1
#-- Game Running --#
# The condition for as long as this game is running
while ending == 1:
# The function we defined earlier
# The places to be when this is all complete [temporary]
if x_pos == 1 and y_pos == 1:
# The thing that stops the loop and ends the game.
ending += ending + 1
The program is far from complete, but this is a good start to our character being able to move. Load it up and try it for yourself!
Initialization Method 1:
[~]> ./
Initialization Method 2:
[~]> python3
Initialization Method 3 [OPTIONAL]:
[~]> python3
>>>import script
>>>import script
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