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Thursday, July 25, 2013

Why I've stepped away from "Automated" AUR tools.

I've recently decided that I no longer have any interest in using things like yaourt, pacaur, etc... Because I find that it gives way to me spending less time actually reading the PKGBUILD and coming to a much more rounded (and/or experienced) understanding of what it is to "build" a package. I want to spend more time actually figuring out how the PKGBUILD's work so that later on when I'm trying to figure out what broken, where and why, I'm not stuck scratching my head and sounding like an idiot.

"Why didn't it install?"

"'Dunno, kind of thinking that it had an error in the script."

"What script?"

"'Dunno, the one from the AUR."


It's also a bit annoying, when the PKGBUILD is trying to install a dependency that doesn't really exist [Don't believe that AUR PKGBUILD'S ever have this problem? Try installing lmms-vst...], and after waiting, what seems like an hour, for it to all install, you read: "Aborted...; Restart?" Very much frustrating. Besides, it would make me feel a bit proud to one day be able to determine what's wrong with it before I ever install it, on top of the fact that pacman makes it easy to build and then install a package, I simply don't see a need for two different package managers on my system anymore, it simply doesn't make sense to me and makes me feel like I'm turning "lazy." Which is a good and a bad thing. Good because, well, convenient, fast, less time debugging, less time thinking about what's inside the package. Bad, for some of the same reasons that it's good, and also because when breaks happen, it sucks to do it the "Winblows" way and uninstall and reinstall the package over and over again...

Now, I have nothing against it if someone else wants to do that, and I highly recommend a package manager like yaourt, pacaur, or something else along those lines if you feel that you won't be able to get the job done somehow with the extremely simple system of:

cd /path/of/dir/that/PKGBUILD/is/in
makepkg -s
pacman -U *pkgname*-*pkgver*-.tar.xz

Now that I think about it, I might make a bash script that'll simplify the last two parts for me, but the reading of the build itself is the important part to me, actually understanding how the differently designed scripts are built... ust to hammer in my point, one more damn time.

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